自开天辟地以来,人类一直在用金属来塑造东西. 最早的记载是“天赐之石”, 指的是从天上掉下来的含铁陨石, 金属及金属加工的核心成分.
大约9,000 BC, 记录记录了人类最早的金属成就之一, 一种由金属加工而成的牛形黄金装饰品. 从铜器时代开始, 到青铜时代, 直到铁器时代, 人类一直在完善金属加工和金属铸造工艺. 在这段时间里, 金属被用来制作碗的形状, 井盖, 管道, 煎锅, 工具, 和武器.
在工业时代, 主要是在18世纪及以后, demand for 机d components and complex 机 parts caused metal casting to reach all new heights. 零件不再仅仅是金属冲压或机械加工;
铸造厂是将金属转化为金属铸件的机构. 他们从事将金属浇注到模具或模具中,以形成铸件. 基本上,任何可以熔化的硬金属都可以铸造.
The core distinction between these foundries is whether ferrous metal or nonferrous metals are used. Ferrous metals are those containing iron and non-ferrous metals do not contain iron. This is an important distinction, because the nature of hazards and injuries may differ.
铁,灰铁和钢. 黑色铸造厂是最常见的铸造铸造厂. 下面是一些由这些金属制成的产品:
黑色金属铸造厂有大量可记录的伤害案件,有6.每100名员工中就有1名. 钢铁铸造厂的比例最高,约为6.每100名员工就有9名.
有色金属铸造厂大约有6个.3 recordable cases for every 100 employees, with aluminum foundries coming in around 7.可记录案件8件.
取决于所执行的强制转换的复杂性, 铸造厂将遵循类似的铸造工艺.
The pattern provides a precise replica of the desired part or end product to be made.
Preparation of the mold, the rigid frame into which liquid metal is poured, forming a casting. The core making function involves cores being inserted into a mold, shaping the inside of a casting. 在金属加工之后,铸造厂的这一部分雇佣的工人最多.
在落砂过程中,金属从模具中取出. 在清洗和抛丸过程中,重点放在清除砂粒上.
铸件经过热处理, 多余的金属被修剪和移除, 铸件抛光,成品检验.
这个行业雇佣了大约11.5万名工人. Here is a look at the top occupations needing personal protective equipment while at work:
操作用于切割,成型和成型金属的机器. 在铸造厂大约有56020个这样的职业. 你会发现这些工人正在制造金属制品, 搬运重物,用手工作. 请务必查看我们的金属加工行业教育页面.
操作铸模机或制芯机铸造金属. 该职业中约有21860人在铸造厂工作. You will find this worker operating casting, coremaking and metal forming equipment. 这个职位的常见职位名称是核心机器操作员, 模具技术员, 压铸技术员.
操作切割机和成型机. 大约4.5%的劳动力属于这一职业,大约有9850人. 这些工人大多从事铝生产. You will find these workers changing cutting 工具, aligning parts, and inspecting metalwork pieces. Common Job titles for this position are CNC Machine setter, CNC machinist, 和CNC操作员. 接触危险设备一直是一个问题.
润滑机器,更换零件,并进行机器维护. 在铸造厂有超过3980人从事这一职业. 你会发现这些工人正在清洗机器和机器零件. 清洁 solvents, 石油 and metalworking fluids are a definite concern for these workers. 该职位常见的职位名称是加油员、维修员和加油员.
操作研磨工具去除多余的金属材料或毛刺. 大约有7410人在铸造厂从事这一职业. You will find these workers sharpening edges and corners, along with polishing metal. Common Job titles for this position are Deburrer, Finisher, Grinder, and Grinding Operator.
检验员、测试员、分拣员、取样员和称重员 - Inspect 机d, 制造或组装部件. 大约有6530人在铸造厂工作. 这些工人中有一半在铸造厂工作. 你会发现这些工人正在检查设备和结构. Common Job titles for this position are Quality Technician, Inspector, and Picker / Pacer.
Operate computer-controlled 机器 or robots to perform 机 functions on metal. 大约有3730人在铸造厂工作. You will find these workers removing metalwork pieces and installing metalwork pieces. 该职位的常见职位名称是制动压力机操作员, 机器操作员, 和CNC操作员.
将熔融金属倒入模具并调节其流量. 大约有4060人在铸造厂工作. 56%的浇铸工和脚轮工在铸造厂工作吗. You will find these workers placing materials in molds, moving materials and manipulating things. Common job titles are 一般 Caster, Foundry Worker, Furnace Operator, and Iron Pourer. 在整个美国,大约56%的制造业是在铸造厂.
帮助搬运钢铁和其他材料. 其中3860人在铸造厂工作. 这是一大批需要保护的人. You will find these workers operating conveyors, transporting materials, and operating 机器. 常见的职称是工人和操作员.
Duties include supplying or holding materials, along with cleaning work areas and equipment. 大约有3480人在铸造厂工作. You will find these workers attaching cables, changing 机 gears and handling a lot of material. 所有这些活动都使手套变得极其重要. Common Job titles for this position are Laborer, Press Helper, and Material Handler.
Operates furnaces that melt and refine metal before casting or for constructing various types of steel. 炉型包括燃气炉, 石油, 煤炭, 电弧或电磁感应, 平炉, 或者氧气炉. 大约有3240人在铸造厂工作. 大约24%的美国人在钢铁工厂工作.铝产量占8%. 你会发现这些工人让人精疲力竭, 转移, 从熔炉中取出熔化的金属,然后放入模具中. 这个职位的常见职位名称是熔化室操作员, 船舶操作员和中央熔体专家.
组装成品和零件. 大约有2400人在铸造厂工作. 你会发现这个工人正在组装螺栓, 使用许多不同类型的工具, 搬运重的部件. 他们制造成品和进入成品的零件. 装配工和制造者使用很多工具, 机器, 最重要的是,他们的手需要保护.
使用手工焊接, 气割, 手焊, 和钎焊设备焊接/连接金属部件, 填补, 压痕, 或金属制品的接缝. 大约有2140人在铸造厂工作. You will find these workers welding components in flat, vertical or overhead positions. Common Job titles for this position are Maintenance Welder, Mig焊机, and Welder/Fabricator
Operate welding, soldering or brazing 机器 that weld, braze, or heat treat metal products. 在初级金属中发现了大约2270个这样的工人. 你会发现这些工人在往工件上添加材料, 连接金属部件, 并对成品工件进行退火处理. 这个职位常见的职位名称是制造者, Mig焊机, 点焊机, Fitter-Welder, 钎焊操作工.
制定 metal stock, operates 机 工具, and assembles parts to make and repair dies. 大约有2100名这样的工人. You will find these workers cutting and shaping meta, along with assembling 机 fixtures. Common Job titles for this position are Die Maker, Die Machinist, and Tool Repairer.
Operate 机器 that saw, cut, shear, slit, punch, crimp, notch, bend, or straighten metal. 大约有1620人在铸造厂从事这一职业. You will find these workers aligning metal parts and grinding out burrs or sharp edges. 这使得防割手套成为这名工人的首要任务. 这个职位常见的职位名称是模具师, 媒体运营商, 机器设置和操作员, 冲床操作员.
制定, 机, 适合, 并将铸件和零件组装成金属图案, 芯盒, 或者配盘. 大约有1010名这种职业的人在铸造厂工作. You will find this worker assembling patterns using hand tool and operating grinding equipment. Common job titles for this occupation are Layout Technician, Metal Pattern maker, and Wax Molder.
All of these occupations have one thing in common; SAFETY is paramount while working in foundries.
来自热物体, 对锋利的金属, 还有飞沫, a worker needs newbb电子 they can trust and rely on for getting the job done and making it home safely. 我们在newbb电子平台安全手套下面标出了所有的危险, 眼镜和服装使这些工人受到保护和安全!
热铸造工作需要手臂和手有很好的保护. 还好我们生产镀铝手套!
在代工厂里,眼镜的危害无处不在, 当有很多熔化的金属飞起来的时候. Do not worry; we have a wide variety of premier eyewear styles to choose from.
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newbb电子平台安全被公认为跨越六个国家的全球制造商, 拥有分销和制造设施. 我们的核心竞争力和专长是生产和供应防护手套, 眼镜, 和服装. newbb电子平台安全网站上显示和提供的信息, 它的安全条款, 行业资源页面, highlighted hazards and safety equipment should be used only as a general reference tool and guide. The end user is solely responsible for determining the suitability of any product selection for a particular application. newbb电子平台安全 makes no guarantee or warranty (expressed or implied) of our products’ performance or protection for particular applications.